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Improve Your Thailand Golf Swing
Thailand Golf Magazines, online web pages and Asia golf schools provide tips and solutions for beginners who want to improve their golf swing on their next Phuket golf package. Probably the best important move that rules the golf game is the swing. How can you actually improve your golf swing? There are several ways to do so, but they all share one common element: practice. It also very much depends on where you learn golf: in an organized environment as a course or simply on your own as a hobby. In case you are part of a professional program, you may improve your golf swing sooner than you may expect it.

Your Thailand golf professional will show you how to balance the body weight and move it from one foot to the other in order for you to improve your golf swing. It is important that you feel the stroke with your body as a whole, as its force very much depends on the ability to hit with the centre of the club and imprint the desired direction to the ball. Part of the practice to improve your golf swing involves the control of your eye focus. Very many golf players find it difficult in the beginning to focus on the flight line.
Ask your personal trainer how to improve your Thailand golf swing by also controlling mind focus. Very many tips you find online refer to self-control; once you stop worrying and thinking about the success of your move, you'll actually act on reflex which is far more natural. On the other hand if you're trying to improve your golf swing at home it would be not such a bad idea to have someone record you executing the move. Thus you may analyze the way the body responds to the situation and learn what you should avoid in order to improve your golf swing.

For better and more professional tips on how to improve your golf swing you can visit a highly reliable site such as www.golfthink.com. Though you're explicitly explained how to grip the club, how to keep the feet close to one another for a short shot, how to move your head to the right a little and so on, true skills only come with personal effort. You can improve your golf swing in a matter of days if you learn how to control the right balance. With just a little effort and lots of fun you'll improve your golf swing.
Making The Most of Your Thailand Golf Lesson
Taking a golf lesson in Thailand or anywhere golf in Asia is played is an investment. Not only do you invest money in it (unless you're getting a free 10-minute lesson from a Bangkok Golf Pro from Golfthink), but you also have to invest time, both when you take the golf lesson itself and afterward, on the practice tee, when you work on what you've learned. Given all that, you want to make the most out of your investment. These tips should help.

Before you start
Here's what you need to do before you get to your first lesson.
1. Find a teacher who fits you. Start by asking around for teachers in your area who have sound reputations. You're looking for the following:
First, a teacher who can help you at your level. If you are a beginner, then you don't need a tour-level teacher. Conversely, if you are an expert golfer, you don't want a teacher most noted for working with beginners.
Second, a teacher who speaks your language. If you are analytical, you want a teacher who can explain things in a technical manner. If you are more intuitive or "feel" oriented, then you want a teacher who uses phrases like "a good turn feels like. . . ." Just ask the question: "Is he/she a technical teacher or a feel teacher?"
Third, a teacher who can make the same commitment to your game that you make to the teacher. If you want only one golf lesson in Thailand, then this is not a problem, but if you want a continuing relationship, then you need someone who is willing to provide that time to you.
Finally, all other things being equal, a teacher at your club or course. This makes it easier to keep up with your program. If you can ask questions while at the course and if you don't have to travel far, you'll be a more frequent, committed lesson taker.
2. Once you've scheduled your lesson, come prepared. Make a list of questions you want the professional to answer. Bring your whole set of clubs, not just the club you want to work on. Arrive early enough to loosen up before the lesson. And have all of your equipment with you, including glove, golf shoes, cap or visor and other suitable clothing.

During the lesson
Now you have arrived for the lesson. The following tips will help you use your learning time effectively.
1. Answer all of the teacher's questions completely and truthfully. Be prepared to answer the following: "What is your handicap, or what do you normally shoot?" "How can I help you the most?" "Have you had previous instruction? From whom, and what did you work on?" "Did or do you play other sports?" "Do you have any physical limitations?" "What are the strong and weak parts of your game? What are the patterns of your mistakes?"
2. Emphasize your agenda. A lot of lessons go poorly because the player is trying to accomplish one thing and the teacher another--e.g., you want to hit a fade and the teacher wants to teach a draw. If your agendas are different, listen to the instructor's reasoning and strongly consider it, because that's why you're paying for instruction.
3. Make sure you understand everything that you are asked to do, and why. (That is, if you want to know why.) The language of golf is ambiguous ("Hit against a firm left side"? "Don't get stuck"?). Don't let the teacher assume you are fluent in that language.
4. Empty your cup! If your mind is full of preconceived notions, there will be no room for other ideas that might help you. You are there for the teacher's advice. Try it.
5. Exaggerate changes. It is much easier for a teacher to zero in on a correction if the student exaggerates the feelings of a new move.
6. Demand success. If you've been slicing and you never hit anything but a slice during the lesson, you haven't been taught. But if you go from a bad slice to a bad hook, you're gaining ground!
7. Ask all the questions that occur to you. Make sure you have no uncertainty about what is asked of you. During the lesson you need to have a clear understanding of the messages the pro gives you.

After the Bangkok golf lesson
At the conclusion of the lesson, you should expect the following information. If you don't get it, ask for it.
1. An exchange of feedback. Tell your teacher what you "learned." He or she can then correct any misconceptions or fill in any blanks for you.
2. Ask how to correct yourself. When you change your swing, the ball may act strangely. If you sliced and then change to a stronger grip, you might hit shots to the left. You need to know what to work on to fix that problem so you aren't tempted to revert to your old grip.
3. Get your practice assignments. Have your teacher tell you what and how to practice, including drills, practice swings, etc.
4. Get your playing assignments. Ask your teacher how to handle the changes on the course. You might be asked to make more practice swings, change your thinking or maybe even practice more than play.
5. Schedule your next lesson. Do all this, and I promise you your investment in lessons will pay off.
For Bangkok golf lessons, golf instruction in Phuket or golf schools in Pattaya, visit www.golfthink.com
Thailand Golf Tip: Topping The Ball
Topping the ball is very common to higher handicappers and new Thailand golfers. In this blog post we look at a few ways to stop topping the ball and hopefully make your Thailand golf holiday a more enjoyable one.
You are guilty of topping the golf ball when your club face hits too high on it. This can be caused by a lot of factors. One of which is when you sway or let the club head pass the hands during impact. You might be trying to swing too hard as well. That alone produces untimely body and leg actions which would eventually delay the release the of the club head.

To stop topping the ball, here are good tips that you can follow:
-Try the penny technique. The penny technique involves the use of a coin in the training. Place the golf ball over a coin or a penny. Try to hit the penny instead of the ball. Practice in hitting the penny from under the ball with utmost consistency. The moment you can do it right, you are sure that your hands becomes trained. If you can't do it, practice with just the penny in place. Don't put the ball in yet. Do so continuously until you do it correctly.
- Work on your tempo. To do this, you have to keep your head still. Extend your arms fully throughout the impact. Try to swing with as much as 80 percent of your arm's power.
- Check your posture. Try to flex your knees properly at setup. This enables you to be comfortable with the ball. Make sure that you are not too upright when you take the swing.
- Consider your ball's position. Is it too far off from your stance? If so, that's the reason for topping it. Most probably, you are hitting the ball on the upswing. Or you are intentionally trying to haul the ball up into the air, hence, the topping. To stop topping the ball, try to place it right at the center of your stance.
- Check your grip on the club. Try to employ the constant light pressure of holding on to it. Observe your grip when you top the ball, then adjust accordingly. Hold the grip with the right tightness throughout the swing. Doing so will keep your body relaxed and topping the ball won't be a concern. The tension on the grip should only be applied during set up.

- Check you wrists. If your wrists break before the impact, chances are, you are going to top the ball. You should keep your hands, arms, and wrist ahead of the golf ball during the swing.
- Swing properly. Don't lift your body away from the ball, especially not as you follow through. Make sure that your left arms do not bend during impact. Because if that happens, there's simply a great deal of tension applied. Keep your swing soft. That's the key.
These are things you have to consider to minimize topping the ball. And another tip: Try to finish keeping your right shoulder in a lower position than your left shoulder when you follow through. And make it a point that your right shoulder is the one driving into the ball. Also, try to practice taking divots.
Topping the ball is one of the common errors committed in golf. But like any other faults, it can be remedied with the proper training and practice. If you really wanted to correct it, you've got to follow all these tips. Only then you'll be able to amaze your friend on your next game of golf in Asia.
Visit www.golfthink.com for all the best golf training in Thailand.
Choosing The Right Thailand Golf School
Choosing a Thailand golf school is an important decision. Bangkok Golf academies or schools, are popular for many golfers visiting Thailand or Asia on a golf vacation. The quest to improve one's game seems to be a never ending saga for most golfers. Many spend a lot of time and money trying to improve their golf game in preparation for the ultimate Thailand golf holiday. Therefore, it is important to choose a school that will best help you improve your game.
It should not be surprising to learn that many Phuket golfers actually plan their Phuket golf vacation around attending a golf school and golf training program. But, before you sign up to participate in the program at a golf academy there are some steps that you should take to ensure that you have a good experience and more importantly, you achieve what you started out to accomplish, play better golf!

Although golf schools make up a large part of the golf improvement industry, there are also many self-help products on the market to help lower your scores and of course, your handicap.
There is a huge part of the Thailand golf industry that is solely dedicated to providing services and tools to help you improve your game. Each year, almost countless numbers of new gadgets, instruction books and self-help videos emerge. Each claiming to solve, some problem, or other, that plagues your game. They claim that they can knock strokes from your score. Whether they do, or not, is a topic for another article.
Not all of the "new gizmos and gadgets" are the brainchildren of obscure production companies. No, every year, golf club and ball manufacturers create new and improved products to help lower your score.
As well, there are many golf schools, academies and instruction camps available that provide learning opportunities to aid the golfer in his or her eternal quest for pars, birdies and the ever elusive eagles!
There are many Thailand golf schools offering to help you lower your score. But, before you enroll make sure that you know what you want from your golf training experience. If you are like most of us, your expectations will be high. But remember, success is not usually an overnight phenomenon. Even the best schools can only give you the insight and the tools to improve your game. After that, the hard work is up to you!

But, if you sign up for a school or other educational institution eager to learn and understand that there is usually no quick fix that will turn you into a lower handicap player, then your learning experience will likely be an enjoyable event.
Before you sign up for a Thailand golf school make sure that the school offers what you want and need to improve your game.
Golfthink can provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision when choosing a golf training program at a Thailand Golf School
Golf Training Thailand
Are you planning on a Thailand golf vacation and want to improve your scorecard? Who wouldn’t? After all, no one wants to be the duffer all the time playing golf courses in Asia. And being the target for tips and instructions on the 19th hole can be trying at times. So leave your worries to the next man in line and embark now on your long and arduous golf training journey in Bangkok.
Arduous? Long? You bet. Golf is a game of patience and precision. If you have ever played at Blue Canyon Country Club you will begin to understand how precision is so vital to holes like the Island Green 17th hole. A tiny miscalculation will earn you a spot underwater, along all the balls of those who had tried to challenge the 17th. Anyway, you’re still on the maiden voyage of golf training in Bangkok so just stick first to the basic challenge.

Perhaps the most trying challenge for novice golfers on a Thailand golf vacation is the ability to perform a correct golf swing and for most, this is one large mountain. Golf swings are disgracefully hard to perform even a marginally correct execution. Just a fraction of angle on the club face and a banana will effect. And that is only one aspect of the four basic rules of contact you have to watch for.
To start your Bangkok golf training, a firm understanding to the four basic rules of contact should be beneficial. The first rule is how the face of the club affects the curve. A slight angle gives the ball in flight a spin that causes a curve. Next is the nature of the golf swing. The path of the swing will bring the ball to that direction –initially. Next is the how the golf ball is hit, the angle of which the ball contacts the club face affects trajectory. Hitting the ball underneath gives a “lob”, a high trajectory with minimal range perfect for clearing deep bunkers. The last is of course the swing power or the swing speed which is proportional to the distance the ball will travel.

The Golf swing is best learned by observation and experience. No words can dictate a proper golf swing. The best course would be to observe the textbook swings of those PGA Tour golfers and see if you can emulate the form. Then you should ask the help of a professional golf instructor to judge and correct what you have been doing.
In a nutshell, a game of golf when grounded until its basal form is really a battle of who throws the perfect golf swings. One might argue of the strategic elements of a golf course, but hey, most bail out attempts is mostly due to confidence issues regarding golf swings.
Golfthink is Bangkoks leading golf training facility and offers a variety of golf training programs for all levels of golfers.
Golf Fitness Bangkok
It is very rare that any top sportsman does not rely in some degree on his level of fitness. When Nick Faldo completely altered his approach to the game in the early eighties a major factor in his rise to be number one golfer in the world was the fitness regime that complimented his obvious talent. Tiger Woods has no problem admitting that he would not be as successful as he is without the golf fitness schedule he adheres to.
There may be a great deal of factors that require improvement in your Thailand golf game, some are technical, and some are mental. One thing that all these elements will have in common is that they are all related in some way to golf fitness for Thailand golfers. Technical issues could be down to your conditioning, and the mental aspect could simply be that we do not function well when under extreme exertion.

So without doubt Bangkok golf fitness is an element that must be worked on and developed according. But what are the key issues? How can we isolate and act to improve these faults?
With the variety of positions the body is forced to undertake whilst playing golf in Asia, the lack of a certain amount of flexibility can be a severe hindrance. A simple stretching exercise can improve your natural fluidity but a golf swing pushes the body to its limits. Everybody has a different body shape; different regimes are required for the each individual. But the fact remains that a Thailand golf specific stretching program will see a welcomed improvement in vital areas of a golfer's game.
Everyone could use a little extra body strength; it is always handy to know you have the power to perform certain shots. However you may have arms like Mr Universe but if your body has areas of fragility you will not be hitting the ball as far as you should. An all round body workout is required to build on those weak points and give your body an all round purpose.
"No matter how strong your body may be, it means little if your core strength is deficient."
This is the key area to generating power through the swing. Exercises targeting this area are without peer.
One must address certain issues to utilise your body's core strength. Power equals speed and speed and strength are the recipe for long drives. Short energetic exercises are ideal for Thailand golf fitness in this area.
Less is sometimes more. When on the range take your time, hitting a rapid succession of technically incorrect drives isn't going to help your game. Relax take your time allow a natural swing to develop in between small breaks.
These are key elements in golf fitness and in addressing them you will undoubtedly see a steady improvement. If you are able to marry these with other forms of less direct training then success will not be far away.
Fitness levels are slowly becoming more important to everyday golfers. With the right application and planning golf fitness can and will improve your body, your game and your score.
Contact Golfthink to learn about Golf fitness in Bangkok and throughout Thailand.
Choosing The Right Golf Pro For Your Thailand Golf Vacation
While every golfer visiting Thaiand wishes they possessed the skills Tiger Woods or Annika Sorenstam have, no one is as good as the pros without practice. If you want to be the best you can be, it is vital you hire a golf pro and practice, practice, practice, practice.
One of the first things you need to consider when choosing a golf pro in Thailand is whether or not you want to join a Bangkok golf school or take individual lessons. There are benefits to both options as you still get to work with a pro regardless. However, you will get far more individual attention with private lessons. Money is also an issue when it comes to hiring a pro versus attending a school.

While it is going to be expensive whatever route you decide on, it is important you have a budget in mind. How much are you really willing to pay just to improve your golf swing? There will be more experienced Thailand golf pros that will cost more than others. You can expect to pay anywhere from THB 1,000 to THB 2,500 per hour. For this reason, set a price limit for what you are willing to pay for and what is too much.
It can be difficult deciding on or finding the perfect instructor for you. You may find that co-workers or friends have hired a pro themselves. Ask around and see what recommendations you can get from others. In addition to talking to friends, try to get in contact with former students or current students of the pro. This can help you learn first-hand what kind of an instructor they really are. Thailand's most popular golf school and golf training, Golfthink, has a number of testimonials from happy golfers who have golf lessons in Thailand

One of the most important things to do when looking to take Thailand golf lessons from a pro is contact them and ask questions. Do not be afraid to find out what type of person they are, how they will improve your game, and whether or not they will be dedicated to helping you. It is important you and your instructor have the same goals; improving your overall golf game. If the both of you are equally committed, it will be much easier to actually succeed.
After you have taken the time to talk to several people and perhaps interview each Bangkok golf pro, weigh your options carefully. Take into account their experience, professionalism, and of course the cost for golf lessons. While it can be a difficult decision, keep in mind you are not signing your life away. If one instructor does not work out, you can always jump on board with another.
Contact Golfthink for your next Thailand golf school.